
The Parish Council has three allotment sites: 

  • Amlets Lane
  • Beryl Harvey
  • Elmbridge Road
The Parish Council manages the allotment sites and issues plots on a licence agreement. There is a waiting list for the allotment sites which are managed through the following Waiting List Policy:
  • Open to residents of the parish only.
  • New plot holders to be allocated smaller starter plots.
  • Existing plot holders on reserve waiting list to be given first refusal on adjacent plot.
  • Existing plot holders on reserve waiting list to be offered a full size plot on relinquishment of a smaller starter plot.
  • No more than one full size plot per plot holder unless there is no waiting list.
For more information please view our conditions of use.
If you would like an allotment structure, please download our policy and application form.
If you would like to join the allotments waiting list, please contact our Senior Admin Clerk.