Fields is located to the east of Knowle Lane in Cranleigh GU6 8JW.
On 03 June 1948, Mr Julian D. Marks gave the sum of £700 to his Trustees to carry out his wish that an area of land known as Snoxhall Field, named after Mr Mark’s farmhouse, be purchased under a Deed of Trust. This was subsequently transferred to the Parish Council by a Deed of Appointment dated 11 August 1969, which stated that the remaining trustees: “have resolved to use their power to declare definite charitable trusts in respect of Snoxhall Field and to forthwith transfer the field, and the investments and its cash to the Council. More specifically the trustees irrevocably appoint that Snoxhall Field shall be held as a recreation ground for the people of Cranleigh.” This piece of land is on the eastern side of the Downs Link. The Parish Council then purchased the land adjacent to Hitherwood in 1965 and an additional adjacent piece of land on the western side of the Downs Link was purchased in 1971 for the sum of £6,625 and all this land is now referred to as Snoxhall Fields.
The site for the Centenary Garden is approximately 0.5 hectares of Snoxhall Field and is owned by Cranleigh Parish Council under the Land Registry Title SY345227.
The Parish Council has dedicated this area of land as a Centenary Field under the Centenary Fields Initiative with 'Fields in Trust'. This area was originally farmland during the First World War and situated adjacent to the Oaklands Military Hospital, which lay on a rise to the southwest of Snoxhall Fields. It served as a general convalescent centre for those wounded in the war.