The Council


The Cranleigh Parish Council office is open to members of the public between 9.30am-12.30pm.
If you would like to see a specific member of staff you are advised to telephone in advance to make an appointment.

Local planning applications are considered by members of the Planning Committee on a three weekly basis.  The Planning List of planning applications to be considered by the Committee is displayed at the Council Offices.

There are twelve Parish Councillors who take an active part in village life and who are elected to represent the community.

The Council has adopted a Business Plan for the period 2023 - 2027.

If you are interested in the Cranleigh Coat of Arms, we have information on the meaning of each part.

Waverley Borough Council is responsible for planning, street cleaning, refuse collection, licensing, housing, Council tax collection and environmental health issues.

If you have a problem regarding highways, health, education or libraries please contact Surrey County Council.