Sheet of Dedication

Master welder Jason of Cozens-Smith steel fabricators starts the highly intricate cutting out of the steel sheet for the centre of the garden. This shows the numbers of residents of Cranleigh and its surrounding villages who died in conflict in the last century. These include men and women, military and civilian from the First World War, up to the present, including Afghanistan.


Paul Sparkes, Cozens-Smith owner, chatting with Jason. We owe these guys a huge thank you for what turned out to be a really tricky and expensive job (including a period of 'welders eye'), which they generously donated to the garden.

 The Cozen-Smith guys - rightly proud of their work


Finally the metal sheet, measuring 2.5m by 1.5m and some 10mm thick, in place at the back of the garden's circle.


Testing for press and publicity