Cranleigh High Street Improvements

Concerns raised by the Public at the Parish Council Meeting on 16 November 2023

Safety Concerns

• A representative from Cranleigh Fire Station attended the meeting to raise concern about the height of the new raised platforms which he said risk grounding the fire appliance and creating an uncomfortable ride for patients in ambulances. Of great concern is the proposal to narrow the High Street, as the Fire Service can just get through at the moment, but any narrowing of the High Street will result in them sitting in traffic on blues. It will also impact the retained staff getting to the fire station within four minutes of a call and out of the fire station one minute later. He said slowing the traffic will slow the fire service getting to incidents.
• There is a fear that traffic will avoid the High Street and start using Amlets Lane which is already in very poor condition.
• Concern was raised about the removal of the Village Way roundabout.
• Concerns are raised about the removal of the roundabouts. At the Arts Centre event, an SCC officer confirmed that there had been no safety audit of the High Street roundabouts. A Department of Transport study downloaded from the SCC website provides statistics that you are 30 times more likely to have an accident at a T-junction than a mini roundabout.
• The current islands provide three safe crossing points in the High Street.
• Concern is raised about the raised platform outside Sainsburys as this is a key walking route for school children from the schools to the bus stop.
• Concerns are raised about the flooding outside St Nicolas Church which freezes over in the winter. Water actually flows up out of the drains by the Arts Centre rather than down the drains.

Economic Development Concerns

• Cranleigh is a car centric village, where more people visit to shop from outside the village than from within. The village needs signs advertising the car parks and it needs free parking to encourage people to come to Cranleigh. Concerns were also raised about the impact of the Leisure Centre build on the High Street and village economy.
• They already is a lack of access for coaches impacting the village‘s economic development. There are a number of schools in the centre of the village, any narrowing of the High Street will make access more difficult.
• Concerns are raised about the removal of the roundabout at the junction with the High Street and Horseshoe Lane. The island in the High Street slows traffic down and no one will be able to exit Horseshoe Lane if the roundabout is removed and replaced with a T-junction. Horseshoe Lane is already very congested due to parked cars, which will be exacerbated if cars cannot exit the junction. It is questioned if the decision to remove the roundabout at Horseshoe Lane is based on a formal traffic assessment? It was noted that a study was done during term time but on a date when the Cranleigh School was closed, thus reducing traffic flow at this junction. A T-junction at this location will increase waiting times and add to traffic fumes and be contrary to the Parish Council’s adopted Climate and Ecological Strategy.
Additionally if Cranleigh School parents cannot get out of this junction, they will not head in to the village and use the shops and cafes impacting Cranleigh’s economic development.
• Have SCC engaged with Cranleigh School which has over 1,400 pupil?

Environmental Concerns

• Concerns are raised that the raised platforms proposed will increase noise due to deceleration and acceleration and increase carbon dioxide levels, so they are environmentally problematic.

Congestion Concerns

• The Parish Council would like to see more studies on traffic flow specifically in Cranleigh as the proposals could jam the village up.
• Concern was raised that the High Street proposals are designed to slow traffic through the High Street and constrict it, but SCC should be widening the road. The congestion and queuing will make the air quality poorer.
• Deliveries and lorries reversing into Co-op make the High Street congestion worse. There are currently no time restrictions for deliveries.
• More parking enforcement would help with traffic flow. There is a lot of unenforced illegal parking which constricts the High Street.
• Loading bays should help with traffic flow and a further bay is suggested outside the Post Office by removing the flower beds. The planned loading bay may be too distant from the businesses that need to use it as some of the goods are heavy and impracticable to carry along the High Street.
• Concern was raised about the width of the Knowle Lane junction with the High Street and lorry access and it is noted that SCC has not yet carried out a swept path analysis.

Parish Council Responses 2023

The Council were invited to an SCC Teams  meeting on 26 January 2023 to hear feedback on the recent public consultation on the High Street improvements. The Council then discussed the proposals and public feedback and AGREED to submit the comments below to SCC:
• Removal of roundabout at Horseshoe Lane – the Council objects to its removal as it slows traffic down.
• Raised table at St James Place – the Council objects to its installation as they would like to keep the Horseshoe Lane roundabout.
• Removal of bus lay-by outside Sainsburys – the Council would like to keep a bus lay-by here but reduce it to only one bus length to prevent car parking.
• Raised table at Rowland Road – the Council objects to this raised table. It would like to see a new mini roundabout serve this junction.
• Raised table Knowle Lane – the Council objects to this raised table. It would like to see a pedestrian refuge added to this junction for safer pedestrian crossing.
• Removal of parking outside Cook/Celebration Cakes – the Council objects to the removal of car parking here to support the businesses for pop and shop and deliveries and suggests using part of the orange section of widened footpath to provide short term parking.
• Removal of bus lay-by Fountain Square – the Council supports moving this bus lay-by down to Manns in conjunction with providing parking bays outside Cook/Celebration Cakes. The moving of the lay-by will enable this section of road to shift slightly north allowing for the parking bays.
• Fountain Square pedestrianisation – the Council support this proposal.
• Two disabled parking bays outside Subway on footway – the Council support this proposal in conjunction with the parking outside Cook/Celebration Cakes and moving the bus lay-by to Manns.
• Replace pedestrian island outside M&S with raised table – the Council object to the removal of the pedestrian island.
• Closure of Post Office access road – the Council objects to the closure of the access road.
• Removal of roundabout Village Way – the Council objects to the removal of this roundabout.
• Raised table Village Way junction – the Council objects to the raised table as it wishes to retain the roundabout at this junction.
• Closure of Village Hall access road to hammerhead turning circle – the Council objects to the closure of this access road as it is used by disabled persons visiting the chemist for prescriptions.
• Obelisk public realm improvement – the Council supports the enhancement of the Obelisk and its curtilage and protection of the monument.

Parish Council Meeting 28 September 2023. Surrey County Council had provided the presentation shown at the most recent High Street Working Party meeting. Cllr E Townsend said there will be a consultation with the village but there are no funds available to make any changes to the plans, the only changes that can be made at this stage are to withdraw items.

Fountain Square
The Clerk reported that the main change to the design is to keep the two built in bus layby’s. One outside Fountain square, the other outside Stocklund Square. SCC said there was a large amount of objection received with regards to removing the bus laybys therefore SCC will keep them in, however reduce the layby width in order to retain some public realm space and to hopefully discourage car users from parking in the bays. Cars and small lorries will be able to pass the parked buses.
The Parish Council AGREED that the bus lay-bys should be retained, but raised concern about encroachment on to the highway and especially opposite Knowle Lane when HGV’s need room to swing round. Concerns were also raised about emergency vehicles being able to pass when buses are in the lay-bys.
SCC are still going ahead with the design to close Fountain Square on a part time basis as there appears to be a demand to do so. The disabled bays will be relocated nearby.
The Parish Council AGREED with the part time closure of Fountain Square and the re-location of the disabled parking bays to outside the former Lloyds Bank building.
SCC said the area outside of Manns to remain however the two parking spaces will be converted into one large disabled bay to allow additional space at the rear of vehicles for wheelchair access. This will also allow a wider footpath for pedestrians at the narrowest section.
The Parish Council AGREED with this proposal.
SCC said the raised crossings to remain to slow car speeds down.
Concerns were raised by the Parish Council about access for ambulances, Cllr E Townsend said SCC would consult with the ambulance service. The Parish Council would like to see the background to the raised crossings and expressed concern that it would impede access for emergency vehicles. The Parish Council AGREED that the pedestrian refuges must be kept to encourage shoppers to cross the street and use businesses on both sides of the road.
Knowle Lane Junction
SCC said there would be more detail at the detail design stage. SCC are planning to stop the illegal parked cars and are pushing the footway out slightly to give better sight lines.
The Parish Council AGREED that this junction must be made safe for pedestrian crossing with illegal parking deterred and better junction sight lines. The Parish Council said vehicle parking outside the tyre business should also be addressed.

High Street Planters
SCC said they will look at the High Street planters/rain gardens at the detailed design, and will only introduce rain gardens if it will help with the flooding. SCC embraces volunteers, as it does not have a maintenance budget. SCC said feedback received is to keep the planters as a barrier from the traffic.
The Parish Council AGREED that the High Street planters should be retained.
Post Office
SCC said the decision has been made to keep the Post Office as is. SCC are looking into flood alleviation methods by the pedestrian crossing. SCC will look at seating at the detailed design but are limited on space.
The Parish Council AGREED to the retention of the Post Office flowerbeds, but suggested shortening them to reduce them being hit by vehicles and the inclusion of seating if possible.
Village Hall
SCC said it has also been decided to keep the turning area outside the Village Hall as is. It has been agreed to remove the mini roundabout and raise the junction by the Village Way entrance car park. The roundabout by Superdrug is being retained.
Concerns were discussed about volume of traffic to the Leisure Centre and Medical Practice. Cllr E Townsend said it is not now SCC policy to install mini-roundabouts and this one is not good for cyclists.
The Parish Council AGREED in a vote of 6 in favour, 2 abstentions to request the retention of the mini-roundabout at the Village Hall.
Taxi Rank
The muddy and worn down taxi rank has been raised with Waverley Borough Council as it is adjacent to common land and they are unable to install a pavement.

The Parish Council NOTED these comments and asked for an alternative taxi rank to be considered.

140 Seating Area
Cllr E Townsend would discuss the paved area outside 140 with the design team.

Parish Council comments submitted to SCC on 05 October 2023 for Cranleigh High Street improvements.
Fountain Square
The Parish Council AGREED that the bus lay-bys should be retained, but raised concern about encroachment on to the highway and especially opposite Knowle Lane when HGV’s need room to swing round.
Concerns were also raised about emergency vehicles being able to pass when buses are in the lay-bys.

The Parish Council AGREED with the part time closure of Fountain Square and the re-location of the disabled parking bays to outside the former Lloyds Bank building.

The Parish Council AGREED with the proposal for the area outside of Manns to remain and for the two parking spaces to be converted into one large disabled bay to allow additional space at the rear of vehicles for wheelchair access..

Concerns were raised by the Parish Council about the raised crossings and access for ambulances, Cllr E Townsend said SCC would consult with the ambulance service.
The Parish Council would like to see the background to the raised crossings and expressed concern that it would impede access for emergency vehicles.
The Parish Council AGREED that the pedestrian refuges must be kept to encourage shoppers to cross the street and use businesses on both sides of the road.

Knowle Lane Junction
The Parish Council AGREED that this junction must be made safe for pedestrian crossing with illegal parking deterred and better junction sight lines.
The Parish Council said vehicle parking outside the tyre business should also be addressed.

High Street Planters
The Parish Council AGREED that the High Street planters should be retained.

Post Office
The Parish Council AGREED to the retention of the Post Office flowerbeds, but suggested shortening them to reduce them being hit by vehicles and the inclusion of seating if possible.

Village Hall
The Parish Council AGREED to request the retention of the mini-roundabout at the Village Hall.

Taxi Rank
The muddy and worn down taxi rank has been raised with Waverley Borough Council as it is adjacent to common land and they are unable to install a pavement.

The Parish Council NOTED these comments and asked for an alternative taxi rank to be considered.

140 Seating Area
Cllr E Townsend would discuss the paved area outside 140 with the design team.

Parish Council Responses 2022

SCC hold zoom meeting with the Parish Council to provide an update on the designs for Cranleigh High Street improvements.

SCC ask for support for their CIL funding application for the High Street improvements.

The Council UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to support the improvements to the High Street, subject to full consultation, and to support Surrey County Council’s application for CIL funding for the improvements.

The Parish Council had listened to the concerns of the members of the public at the Parish Council meeting on 15 November 2022 and AGREED not to submit comments to the public consultation but to request a zoom/Teams meeting with SCC Officers to discuss the High Street improvements and community concerns in more detail.