The Betty Riseley Trust for Children
Published: 25 April 2024
The Betty Riseley Trust for Children
Betty Riseley lived in Cranleigh and when she died, she left a wish for a Trust to be established for the benefit of children and young people under the age of 18 who live in the local area.
The Betty Riseley Trust was therefore formed in 2009. Since then, it has given over half a million pounds in donations to local groups all over Surrey and especially in Cranleigh, a place that Betty Riseley was particularly fond of.
These donations have funded loos in scout huts, equipped child refugees for school, painting and furnishing a Mother & Toddler meeting place and children’s playground equipment, to name but a few.
The Trustees meet twice a year to consider applications, in early April and October, with the deadline for application submissions being the 15th of March and 15th of September. They would very much welcome applications from local groups in Surrey that work with children and young people from the above age group.
These could be from schools, clubs, playgroups, Cub/Scout/Brownies, parish councils, youth sports teams or anyone who thinks that their project meets the criteria of the Trust. The trustees prefer that applications are for a specific project, but this isn’t always necessary as each application is considered on its merits and it needs to meet the mission statement set out with the Charity Commission. They always like to see the “after” results of any project via photos and/or reports.
For further information and an application form do please contact: